



正规的棋牌平台排行榜相信每个孩子的才华. 提供多样化的学习经验, 分享不同的想法, and learning from a diversity of solutions allows all of us to uncover that brilliance and let each student shine.

enVision Mathematics 正规的棋牌平台排行榜是否使用K-8数学课程. Realize 学生是否有在线平台可以访问数字数学材料和作业. 实现可以通过访问 Clever 在学生ipad或笔记本电脑上安装应用程序. 你也可以访问Clever和技术支持 Student & Family Portal.


  1. 学习是一种社会经验 这需要话语和语言的运用来组织思维.
  2. 解决问题和沟通技巧的发展 在数学和21世纪是最重要的吗.
  3. 数学学习的结果是我们努力弄清楚如何得到答案,而不是从答案本身. 这通常被称为生产性斗争.
  4. 多种策略和表现形式 在数学中,解决问题对个人来说更加真实和有意义.

We recognize that mathematics is the fundamental legacy of human development and that math education is a fundamental human right.


We at 正规的棋牌平台排行榜 work to provide culturally responsive teaching that recognizes the brilliance of our students of color, 让数学与他们的生活息息相关, and strives to create a welcoming classroom that honors the strengths that each student brings to the class.  练习与家人的双向沟通, 与学生分享教学权力, 培养成长型思维, and creating welcoming environments for students and families are steps we are taking to undo the historical status of whiteness in the classroom. 

We will no longer allow some of the brightest minds in our schools to be marginalized in mathematics. The contributions of People of Color to mathematics are enormous and we recognize that our students will carry on that tradition.

每个孩子都有能力学习数学.  每个孩子都应该有丰富的经验来学习他们年级的数学内容.  Mathematics is much more than performing arithmetic quickly – it is understanding big math ideas, 与我们周围的世界建立联系, 用数学思维来解决问题.  Every child should know that they can succeed in mathematics and be confident in their ability to learn mathematics.  Math classrooms should be a place where all students are learning their grade level mathematics together in a positive learning community.  

分离的实践, sort, and label children as having different levels of mathematical ability are harmful to children’s developing math confidence.  Skipping ahead in math (often referred to as “walk to math”) during elementary school weakens children’s foundation of math understanding and puts them at risk of being unprepared to learn advanced mathematics in middle and high school successfully. 

Math learning is carefully sequenced across K-5 to provide new learning each year that builds on the prior year’s foundation.   The concepts addressed in K-5 mathematics are extremely important and students need time to learn this content properly.  Acceleration approaches that involve skipping standards or grade levels put future learning at risk.

Often, skipping ahead overemphasizes computation and shortchanges children’s opportunities to engage in problem-solving and deeper mathematical thinking.  SPS does not endorse these practices of skipping ahead in elementary mathematics; instead, SPS endorses all children having the opportunity to be challenged to grow their mathematics learning at their grade level.   通过为年级水平的数学学习打下坚实的基础, all students will be prepared to tackle advanced math course opportunities beginning as early as 7th grade.  研究表明,超过年级水平的数学加速不应该发生在七年级之前.  从七年级开始, SPS offers a range of acceleration opportunities that focus on teaching all content at a faster pace, 而不是跳过数学内容.

Using enVision, SPS K-8数学课程, 每个学生都会体验到丰富的数学学习, and engaging and includes opportunities to grow mathematically and do math at more complex levels.  In class, 学生将有机会得到充实, 比如额外练习, STEM connections, 以及个人或团体项目.

Families may wonder what their child’s math learning progression will be in middle and high school and whether they will be able to access advanced courses such as Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate when in high school.  SPS has revised its math pathways and implemented new courses to provide opportunities to accelerate beyond grade level math starting at grade 7.  这些机会对任何感兴趣的学生开放.


问题式学习 -通过基于问题的学习, students engage in rich classroom conversations that promote a growth mindset and result in deeper conceptual understanding.

Visual Learning: – Classrooms engage in visual learning to allow greater access to concepts as teachers make key math ideas explicit.

引导和独立实践- This is an opportunity for students to try out what they have learned about new concepts and for teachers to support their practice.

响应式小组学习 An opportunity for teachers to offer more individualized instruction and for students to work on different activities independently or in small groups.

分享与反思 – A time to review the learning of the day and for students to reflect on how they feel about their success.

Rigor in math includes a balance of fluency and procedural skills; conceptual understanding; and application. 这三个方面都应该以“同等的力度”进行.” Students should 

  • know why -对属性和操作有概念性的理解,而不仅仅是记忆.
  • 知识-运用程序技能和流畅性来理解更复杂的概念.
  • know when -运用正确的概念和程序,灵活运用数学解决问题.


Rigor in Math - a triangle with the word "rigor" in the middle and the following on each side: 
概念理解(为什么),程序技能 & 流利(如何),应用(何时)


These are often called the Standards for Math Practice and they include: using math to model authentic situations, 坚持解决问题, 构建可行的论证, 批评别人的推理.

学习标准是为我们所有人制定的:学生、校长、社区伙伴、教师、家庭和公众.  They define what is important for students to know and be able to do as they progress through school. Standards ensure an equitable education for all students and promote consistency in what is taught to students across our district.

我们华盛顿州的数学标准是基于 Common Core 数学标准——和全国大多数州(50个州中有40个州)都是一样的, plus Washington DC). 

共同核心标准是为每个年级的学生制定的一套目标.  共同核心不是一门课程,也不是一套数学问题,也不是一种教学方式.

Common Core State Standards Adoption - A map of the united states showing which states have or have not adopted Common Core State Standards. 华盛顿州采用了共同核心州标准.

The 正规的棋牌平台排行榜 adopted math instructional material for grades K – 5 is enVision Mathematics.

enVision math is based on project-based learning and the belief that students are best able to develop mathematical understanding through discussion, debate, 并应用于真实情境.